Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Choose Health!

This is actually a repost of a Facebook album created by my friend, Justin Ng Sinco in an effort to promote our advocacy. Here it goes:

"Our advocacy on being and keeping healthy.

This is all in line with our action plan to lower the number of medical students with pre-hypertension. And to that effect, lower the incidence of hypertension and hypertension-related complications.

Medical student or not, we may all be at risk for developing hypertension (and many other diseases).So, read up on our little snippets of health information. Let's start our year right! Stay healthy. Choose to be healthy.

A healthy lifestyle is all about choices - good food, proper exercise, good working environment, good friends and a positive attitude. Stress, diet, physical activity and vices are among the top modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

And laughter, along with an active sense of humor, could prove to be good for your heart, says cardiologists at University of Maryland Medical Center.

Consuming at least 6 servings of vegetables a day can lower the risk for hypertension and dyslipidemia. Eat up on those greens and keep a low-down on those fatty meats!

Low-fat meats, such as chicken breast and fish, are fine.

A green smoothie contains 1 to 2 servings of vegetables and 2 to 3 servings of fruits!  Now, that's a lot of good calories - no fat!

Strength training on top of aerobic exercises reduces your risk to develop cardiovascular disease!

Must we say more? Alcohol drinking and smoking are two of the most easily accessible and preventable health risk. It's not just cardiovascular risk, but these can also predispose you to cancer.

So, please, drink moderately, if you must, and smoke never.

Yoga, among many other exercises, is good for your heart and lungs. Breathing exercises also reduce stress. 

They say that you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day to keep healthy. We say, indeed! Walking on level ground, uphill and downhill not only lowers the risk for cardiovascular diseases, but will also maintain muscle strength, joint and ligament integrity, lower the risk for back pain and increases the chances of you bumping into your crush!

Say no to that elevator when you need to go up 2 or 3 floors. And if you can walk up more than that, then that's better!

Jogging is considered as a vigorous physical activity. At least 20 minutes, 3 days per week can reduce cardiovascular risk.

Sports, for leisure or for competition, can help improve your cardiovascular health. Team sports, especially, improves mental and psychological health.

Join your school's sports organisation!"


Photos by: Arnel Canete
Design by: Justin Ng Sinco
Group Members:

Yna Marie Acerden
Roberto Carlo Atienza
Michael Batongbakal
Arnel Canete
Carl Dustin Cruz
Danielle Nicole Dionisio
Karen Fesalbon
Antonio Luis Fugoso
Angeli Garcia
Jay Christine Gutierrez
Manelissa Irao
Shiara Marriz Marquez
Ritchie Simoun Mendoza
Justin Ng Sinco
Jafet Ian Reotutar
Denise Elaine Reyes
Ron Ryan Romero
Patricia Santos
Mikoe Simbulan
Xenia Caressa Sinon
Sharie Gay Tupaz
Myka Janine Villaroya